
Miniature Food 1 微型食物1

I spent about 2 two weeks to make those food miniature as below, started from the plate & bowl until the food & soup...all is handmade...
My Friends said that why don't make the real one, so that they can eat it....haha... :)人家要减肥嘛!干嘛让我看那么多的美食,害我肚子咕噜咕噜响!
咕佬肉。Sweet and sour meat...
日式拉面 ramen
炸鱼柳饭。 Fish & Chips with rice
海鲜沙拉 Seafood Salad
西兰花拌虾 Stirfried prawn and broccoli
美式早餐 American's Breakfast
西兰花拌花菇 Braised Mushroom
白汁海鲜意大利面 Seafood Spaghetti with white sauce
白汁海鲜西兰花 Crab meat sauce with broccoli
一品鲍鱼 abalone
水晶饺子 Dumplings
牛扒 Beef Chop

嫁给我好吗? Would u Marry Me?

新娘新郎 ~ 见证的时刻~ 结婚了哟~!

送给朋友当结婚礼物最好了..~! 你还可以要求加上结婚蛋糕..结婚照片..什么的.....